
First circular (January 2007)
Second circular (April 2007)
(Details about accommodations, registration fee, funding/sponsoring) Registration (June 15, 2007)
Submission of contribution abstracts (June 15, 2007)
Booking Wieniawa hotel at special price (August 6, 2007)
Fee Payment (August 6, 2007)
Third circular (September 2007)
(final program, social events, ...)
Submission of final form of contributions for the electronic proceedings (December 2007)


First circular - pdf file

Second circular - pdf file

Third circular - pdf file

Last minute information - pdf file


Since our conference is organized under the auspices of the EPS we can apply for two kinds of scholarships:

East West Fund
The East West Fund provides grants to individual physicists working in and originating from less favoured countries. The rules for obtaining grants through the East West Fund by participants to an EPS Europhysics or Sponsored Conference are given at Since the processing of these applications requires advance planning, it is recommended to apply well before 15 June 2007.
Young Physicists Fund
The Organizing Committee has also applied for "Young Physicists Grants" by EPS. If successful, these Grants (at most 4 in number) will be distributed by the Conference Organizers according to the following rules:
- Registration fees will be waived for persons receiving a Young Physicist Grant.
- The Grant may be used to cover all or part of the costs for accommodation, travel and living expenses.
- The age of the participants receiving such a scholarship should normally be under 35 years.
- Each Grant should not exceed Euro 350.- per person.
- Grant recipients cannot be financed from other sources.


For the invited lectures and oral presentations each speaker will find the nowadays standard technique (beamer, overhead projector) and computer with Windows OS (we suggest to have your presentation on pendrive). Please indicate in the Registration form your special needs for extra equipment. For the interactive poster you will have at your disposal computer (if indicated in Registration form) and a poster panel (98 cm width x 100 cm height) and - if necessary - an internet connection (please indicate in the Registration form).