Registration fee: 240 pln (60 EUR)
for Individual Ordinary Members of EPS: 200 pln (50 EUR)
for Students: 200 pln (50 EUR)
The registration fee should be transferred to a bank account:
in Euro or
in PLN
For more details click appropriate currency!
The deadline for payment was August 6, 2007.
The deadline for registration was June 15, 2007.
The fee is to cover
* Participation at the conference
* Folder with information about the conference, booklet of abstracts, information about the city
* Lunches on September 13, 14 and 15
* Beverages and snacks at the coffee breaks
* Welcome reception on Thursday, September 13
* Conference dinner on Friday, September 14
Lunches and Welcome Reception will be served in a canteen, next door to the lecture hall.